Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Potty Training

So to every 2 year old, potty training is a momentous time in their life.... for the parents it is extra laundry, less diapers and a lot more being aware of what time it is and when they went last.
This past 3 day weekend was one of those hair pulling  exciting and frustrating weekends. Kaiya wanted to be naked all weekend (despite the 30 degree weather). She kept pulling her pants around her ankles taking off her diaper and yelling potty potty potty and running to the bathroom. To her this is exciting to us parents it is exciting and a lot of work. She never did once go in the potty but yet in her diaper I imagine right before she realized she had to potty. So countless diapers later and hours of wrestling with her to keep some clothes on we are hoping that potty training will go better.
When I dropped her off at school today, they said that we are going to start working on a potty schedule and that they will call us in and sit us down to discuss the schedule. We will need to keep the same one at home and at school making bathrooms easily accessible so we have little to no accidents. Also always have at school at least 5 outfits, 7 pairs of panties and 2 pairs of school appropriate shoes.. Now this isnt that big of a deal except for the fact that Kaiya's shoe size is an odd one and we have to spend 30.00 a pair. I am not one to throw money away or to let my kid run around in cheap shoes....
I never believed my parents when they said kids are expensive you wait and see... Well now I see, diapers and wipes to tons of clothes, panties and shoes. I wonder how we stay afloat sometimes...
Any potty training tips would be appreciated! I am losing my mind with chasing her down after she has already gone.

YAY for the POTTY

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


As a mother I have learned that kids can be a major blessing but at the same time they can be a lot of work. I am super blessed to have a very spirited, opinionated, loving and emotional child. She will go from being happy one minute to flopping on the ground in a fit the next.

Kaiya has been trying to be a mommy herself, one of her favorite things to do is to put her diapers on her baby dolls (even though her baby dolls have their own diapers). When the diaper wont fit correctly she comes and asks for help by throwing the baby in your face and holding the diaper, however once you get the diaper on the doll she takes it right off and wants it put back on them. I guess she will make a good babysitter one day.
She also loves cars and her kitchen, tom boy and girly girl all in one. We recently purchased her a basketball hoop for her birthday and she enjoys dunking the ball in it. We also just recently rearranged her room so that her bed is in the middle of her room and is only on one wall, we are hoping she will learn to sleep in it and not against the wall (she does have the mesh rails on it to keep her from falling off).
We cannot believe how fast she is growing and learning and accomplishing to be independent and at the same time dependent on us for different things. We are proud parents even when she is driving us crazy!

Our close friends here in Virginia just welcomed a new baby boy into there family last night, we are praying for a very fast recovery for mom and baby and hope to see them soon.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

In with the New and Out with the Old

It was a bitter sweet day yesterday, we had to settle on a horrible amount for the Integra (of course insurance companies don't care about what you have paid to put in the car or what you paid for it) and now it is time to pay off some of the debt inquired to fix the new car and get moving with our lives. We received in the parts to fix the turbo in the Legacy so now hopefully this weekend that will be taken care of and running well.
I have a strange feeling that this weekend I will be doing some much needed cleaning. It is time to flush our house of the excess and unnecessary things and move forward with a fresh start. I have been wanting to get rid of so much and it seems like we bring a lot in and only take out a little every time we do this. Hopefully this weekend will be different.
With Kaiya getting older and "hopefully" putting on some weight we will be able to get her out of her 12-18 month clothing and into some size 2! I know she is growing because most of her regular t-shirts have now become belly button showing shirts. Thank goodness for the CDC, they are helping her to not be so picky and she actually eats there. Its a huge shock to us.
So for our family this weekend will hopefully be a fresh start to a new beginning and a new year.

Have a blessed day!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Internet Bashing

One of the things that I find untolerable when is people feel the need to put someone on blast on a public site (aka facebook, myspace) is there anything more unclassy then someone bringing all their "online" friends into their issues... Its pure childish behavior... Not only do you look like an idiot but you make them look like one too. Save your own personal feelings, drama, emotions and BS for some place else... Its called cyber bullying and its not ok.
So many kids in this world kill them selves because of these people. It is almost always the same type of person who is doing the bullying, the person with no self respect, confidence, class and no happiness. These people feel the need to put others down for fun and to get a rise out of them or to make people feel like crap.
If you wonder as to why this world is evil and cruel its because of the things we let others get away with. Not everyone is a bad person and some people do care about others. If you dont ever trust people and let them in whole heartily and move forward with honesty, dignity and respect, you will never get anywhere in life. I am so blessed with a wonderful family, husband and child and I am scared to see what the world will do to destroy my daughter when she is growing up and going through school. Hopefully if one person sees this and reads it and decides to make a change the rest of the world can too.

Catch Up

What a long week and weekend this has been, time to play so catch up...
Nothing significant happened between Christmas and New Years. Kaiya celebrated her 2nd Birthday last Friday. She was so excited to blow out her candles and eat her Ice Cream cake. She got to celebrate her birthday with one of our friends who shares the same birthday with him. We had 2 cakes, one with 23 and the other with 2. She looks so tiny behind her cake. She was on a super sugar high since we went from
school to our friends and didnt eat dinner until after cake. Its ok though everyone deserves to have fun on their birthday.
Saturday we opened her gifts and she loved her trike and basketball hoop. She was a ball of fun watching ride away and play with her hoop (dunking it every time), we cleaned the house top to bottom and took our friends out for drinks and dinner for a fun night out... (which didnt end so fun, but we all arent adults yet)

Sunday was just a day to relax, grocery shop and get the laundry done. In the midst of our wonderful relaxing day there is always that one person who has to drag you into all of their personal drama.. But never the less. It still ended in a wonderful night of a full week of our daughter not having her binkie and a good nights sleep... well until 4:30am when you daughter wakes up screaming from a nightmare.

Have a wonderful day world!